Native Shade Garden Plants

Greek Valerian and Bluebells
Our native shade plants love to grow in shade or dappled shade woodland setting and the occasional edge. They can take some eastern morning sun and would like some extra watering during the dry summer months.
- Columbine
- Greek Valerian (Jacob’s Ladder)
- Virginia Bluebells
- Jack in the Pulpit
- Wild Ginger
- Alum Root
- Blue Stem Goldenrod
- Cardinal Flower
- Dwarf Crested Iris
- Hairy Woodmint
- Stonecrop
- Beak Grass
- Wood Poppy
- Summer Phlox
- Wild Geranium
- Appendaged Waterleaf
- Canada Waterleaf
Shrubs for Shade and Edges
- Bladdernut
- Elderberry
- Grey Dogwood
- Hop Tree
- Ninebark
- Spice Bush
- Strawberry Bush
- Wahoo
- Wild Hydrangea
- Paw Paw
- Pagoda Dogwood

Wood Poppy

